All seven Wyoming community colleges offer dual and concurrent enrollment courses that include both academic transfer and career/technical education classes; the University of Wyoming offers dual enrollment courses only.
Dual Enrollment
Wyoming's dual enrollment courses are taught by college instructors at the college or outreach center. Some dual enrollment courses are available through distance learning delivery methods such as online or video classes. Some dual enrollment courses receive both high school and college credit; consult your high school counselor.
Concurrent Enrollment
Concurrent enrollment courses are taught at the high school by a college-approved high school teacher; students receive both high school and college credit for successfully completing these classes.
Students who choose to take advantage of these classes will see many benefits including a chance to:
- experience college-level course work and expectations for both academic transfer and career/technology classes.
- benefit from easier transition from high school to a community college or a university.
- achieve higher levels of academic success in college and in certificate programs without the need to take remedial classes.
- complete some requirements for either a certificate or an undergraduate degree thus saving on the cost of their education.
Interested students should contact their high school counselor for more details. In addition, students and their parents are encouraged to read the Student Handbook for Dual and Concurrent Enrollment.
Student HandbookOthers interested in Wyoming’s program can read the Manual of Procedures for a history of the program and legal requirements.
Student Handbook