Where can I take a High School Equivalency Test?
There are many locations where students can take their high school equivalency test in Wyoming. For information regarding test center locations and contact information, please click here.
It should be noted that registering for your high school equivalency test cannot be completed by contacting these centers as online registration through the test vendors is required for this. Local Adult Education staff will provide students with the assistance needed to register for their high school equivalency test.

In June 2020, both HiSET and GED began to offer virtual testing for candidates 18 years of age or older. Students who are 16 & 17 years old will be allowed to complete a virtual test beginning fall 2020.
Virtual testing can be conducted from any location, but candidates will be required to have:
- a valid government issued photo ID
- a computer with camera and microphone
- computer equipment with stable internet access (mobile devices, tablets, and chrome-books are not yet supported by test manufacturers)
- a private space free of people and distractions