In order to meet the diverse needs of the Wyoming population, Adult Education centers provide several different types of classes.
Click here to learn more about them.
Can I study from home or do I have to attend on-site classes?

Face-to-Face Classes
In person classes are available at all Adult Education centers the State. This traditional type of learning allows for the delivery of instructional material through live interaction between students and the instructor.

Hybrid Classes
Adult Educators in Wyoming recognize that there are occasions when students cannot physically be in class. As such, our centers often utilize a combination face to face, distance, and in some cases virtual classes so that the needs of our students can be effectively addressed.

Virtual Classes
With the onset of COVID-19, Adult Education classes began teaching utilizing ZOOM, Canvas, and other virtual classroom platforms. As we move towards the future these technologies will be integrated into all Adult Education classrooms so that in the event that society must once again move to a virtual environment students will be well prepared and familiar with how to effectively participate in classes held in a virtual environment.

Distance Learning Classes
Wyoming’s Adult Education centers incorporate multiple distance learning options for students who are unable to attend the traditional classroom environment. Distance learning (DL) options generally utilize online resources and various other instructional content to help students improve skills in academic areas. Throughout Wyoming, the centers have found that DL to be an effective way to increase access to Adult Education instruction for eligible students. In many cases DL is provided in a ‘blended’ or ‘hybrid’ environment in which a learner has some time in the classroom but also completes work outside of the classroom using DL platforms. This can increase the quality of the DL experience for students by providing them with an opportunity for in-person support and instruction, while also allowing for the flexibility of schedule and location that is the main advantage of distance learning.
Where can I get free or low cost internet services so that I can attend a virtual or distance learning class?

Local Hot Spots
Many of the Community Colleges offer free localized hot spots on campus where a student can obtain free internet services from. Please contact your local AE director for more information about this type of service.

Internet Providers
In March 2020, the FCC launched the ‘Keep Americans Connected Pledge’ to help provide Americans with free internet service for up to 60 days. Although most of the offers provided by the internet companies have expired, many have extended their commitment to provide discounted or free internet to qualifying individuals. For more information about this, please click