It is said that it takes a Wyoming, we are that village.As a whole, we will work together to increase the percentage of the working population that possess a valuable post - secondary credential to 67 % by 2025. We will get to that outcome by achieving goals to increase educational attainment and economic opportunity for citizens, communities and businesses because in Wyoming, we are a working village.
Revised Draft Post - secondary Educational Attainment 5 - and 10 - Year Strategic Plan
Wyoming Post - secondary Educational Attainment 5 - and 10 - Year Strategic PlanGovernor Mead 's Executive Orders on Educational Attainment
Why Attainment Matters
Partnering for Wyoming
Wyoming community colleges, the University of Wyoming and the Wyoming Department of Education have created a partnership to set the stage for an increased level of information sharing aimed at improving the performance of the state’s education system.
Educational Attainment Executive Council
Officially codified by Governor Gordon in the 2019 General session of the Wyoming Legislature, the Educational Attainment Executive Council will move forward in achieving specific goals to increase educational attainment and economic opportunity for citizens, communities and businesses.
Educational Attainment Executive Council & WICHE Taskforce Updates
All updates are pulled directly from Commission Meeting agendas.
June 2021
AgendaMarch 2021
UpdateOctober 2020
Update (February Commission Meeting)Educational Attainment Executive Council Meetings
Upcoming Meetings
May 24, 2022
Packet contents are available by clicking the coordinating links within the agenda
February 27, 2020
Packet contents are available by clicking the coordinating links within the agenda
November 20, 2019
AgendaOctober 10, 2019
AgendaFebruary 26, 2019
Packet contents are available by clicking the coordinating links within the agenda
November 6, 2018
AgendaAttainment and Education to Workforce Data Privacy and Security
Wyoming understands security and privacy are of the utmost importance and concern. All security and privacy policies, whether applicable to educational institutions or state agencies, must adhere to the federal and state laws.
Complete College Wyoming (CCW) began in 2012 when Governor Mead
committed Wyoming to join Complete College America with a focus
on student success, degree completion and workforce preparation
to strengthen the workforce in Wyoming.
Wyoming is active in all three Western Interstate Commission for
Higher Education (WICHE) Student Exchange Programs: the Western
Undergraduate Exchange, the Professional Student Exchange
Program, and the Western Regional Graduate Program.
The primary purpose of Wyoming Works is to provide programs and
resources for adult students to learn a skill that leads to
secure employment.